Weaving Our Dreams

Looking forward to ‘weaving dreams’ with children at the Fitzwilliam Museum, using branches and cloud shapes to make weavings about their hopes and dreams for the future so that they can begin to create new visions for a safer, more just and sustainable world.

Children deserve happy and peaceful futures. They can lead the way as they did with the school strikes for the climate.  Beyond the horrors of climate change and a war on children, we all need to be able to imagine and craft something better.  We need our visionaries like William Blake and the untarnished imaginations of the young.

“Wipe out that sadness and weave the dress of the impossible from the tears.”  Roua Al-Masri 13 years old

“Moon Tell Me Truth”,


“Weaving Our Dreams” at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Play Make, Saturday 10th February and Twilight at the Museum, Tuesday 20th February,


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